Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /home3/aprasad9/public_html/_sites/
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Welcome to the community (video)

With all the bad news that that we see and hear about around the world it is easy to become discouraged about a healthy, sustainable and compassionate future for our own generation and generations yet to come. But the "if it bleeds, it leads" mentality of media hides the many good things that are happening everyday all around the world. 

At People Powered Peace, we believe that people have the power to change the world for the better without waiting for external forces (like government and industry) to do the right thing. One of the simplest and biggest ways for people to make a better world for current and future generations is to move towards a organic plant-based (vegan) diet.

We have created a short video for people who have recently made or are making the choice to moving to a more healthy, compassionate, sustainable and just lifestyle.

Al Gore Orders A Vegan Meal; The Climate Says Thanks!

Evidence keeps mounting that eliminating animal products from our diet is the single best thing anyone can do to immediately start fighting climate change. For some reason, climate leaders have chosen to ignore this important issue, which may be in large part because they, themselves haven't adopted a plant-based diet. This may be changing.


Al Gore image © Tom Raftery via Wikimedia

It was recently reported that on a speaking tour, Al Gore had specifically requested that vegan meals be served to him and his entourage. A couple of vegan meals does not a vegan make. So, it remains to be seen whether it was a one-off thing or if Al Gore has finally seen the light.

Creating Abundance By Occupying Your Plate

The Occupy Movement came about partly because we realized that we had given away too much power to government and industry that do not always have the best interest of the people in mind in their actions. Once power is given away, it can be very difficult to get back.  That is why we have yet to see the one percent pay their fair share. There is one power, however, which we all have that hasn’t been taken away from us and that is what we put on our plates to nourish our bodies every day. Here is why it matters.

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